Portrait & Poem.

Right before Quarantine (photo circa late 2018).
Five years feels like a romance novel left unpublished.
In Mental Health, nostalgia can be an indication of Psychosis because, to my knowledge, the past is gone.

What a standard! Yikes! (hint: your body will never forget your past).

Fell in Love with me that Summer by Running: Refugee Kids Run Fast
Days gone forever, what devastation made-
through the reckless narrative of Hate.
Oh! how I wish delusion would burst.
[Bipolar Disorder]
[assess for Hypo or Hyper for clarification]
Supermarkets becoming empty?
Food for newborns no longer available?
Where is the President?
Pandemic backfire<

Now we see.

The golden thread? Summer runs.

Flash Forward 2023:
the imprints made during the last three years will not ever fade.
(((breathe in)))
((((breathe out))))

War is so last Summer.